Alumni and families  represent key partners in helping students pursue their passions beyond WashU. Whether you can help a student find opportunities, fund an internships  or become a mentor, your assistance will have a lasting impact on a student’s success after college.

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Expand your WashU network locally and globally

WashU CNX (pronounced “WashU connects”) is Washington University’s official online community for networking and mentorship.

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Alumni McKelvey Engineering Mentoring Program

Alumni McKelvey Engineering Mentoring Program

McKelvey School of Engineering & Applied Science

Pairs alumni and students from the School of Engineering & Applied Science to provide students insight into the working world and advice on how to be a successful young professional.

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Architecture Internship Network

Architecture Internship Network

School of Architecture & Urban Design

Members of the Design Internship Network at WashU network to offer a broad range of internship opportunities.

Contact Molly Burkot

Financial Support

Financial Support

Donate to the WashU Center for Career Engagement

Your generosity and support go toward internship stipends, Bear Trek student funding, career fairs, student interviews, guest speakers, and more.


Select ‘Other Funds’ and ‘University Programs, Centers & Institutes’
Then select ‘Career Center’

Hire-a-Bear Program

Hire-a-Bear Program

A collaborative program between WashU Alumni and the Center for Career Engagement to source paid internships and full time positions.


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Volunteer with APAP

Volunteer with APAP

Alumni & Parents Admission Program

Share your experiences with admissions and let prospective students know why they should consider WashU.  APAP members are worldwide.

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Consulting Mentoring Program

Consulting Mentoring Program

Pairs alumni and students interested in consulting to learn about the consulting industry.

Helps students with case prep and facilitates important connections to help students prepare for the interview process.

Contact Casey Jenkerson

Investment Mentoring Program

Investment Mentoring Program

Pairs alumni and students interested in investment banking to learn about the industry.

The goal of this program is to facilitate important connections for networking and help students prepare for the interview process.

Contact Molly Burbot